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Brick Used - Rustica St Ives & Abote (Abbotsley Antique)

Location - Cambridge

‘We are absolutely rapt…we absolutely love it!

When we were choosing our brick, we went driving & driving looking at bricks on houses.

We just couldn't find the brick we wanted & considered other cladding options - but wanted the solid durability of brick. Then we found these bricks and loved the range and choice.

It was Viv’s brainwave to blend the two bricks together – the look she and the bricky achieved is head & shoulders above anything we have ever done before.

They worked very hard experimenting with the mortar, adding more & more and breaking some of the bricks to achieve the random bond look – it was exactly what we were after!

We have built 5 houses and this is our most favourite by far…

Steve & Viv Jackson

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