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Product Used - Argeton facade panels: Tampa and Lineo
Architect - Morneonfasad
Location - Värnhemstorget in Malmö
Reference - Weinerberger

A high-rise renovation in Malmö, that has been renovated with care to maintain the architectural qualities of the original house, choosing colours and textures that reflect the former look of the house and fit into the existing environment. A new facade and new windows were installed, with the new facade having larger windows and being clad with Argeton exposed brick from Wienerberger.

"The great thing about Argeton is also the possibilities that come with the special glazes. Overall, we think the collaboration has worked well and we look forward to the next project with Argeton."

Frej Josefsson (Project Manager)

Visit Argeton to see more on this 'Striking Renovation in Malmö'

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